It's Electric! Boogie-woogie-woogie...

Episode 4 August 28, 2024 00:34:00
It's Electric! Boogie-woogie-woogie...
Bullet Wounds & Stretch Marks
It's Electric! Boogie-woogie-woogie...

Aug 28 2024 | 00:34:00


Show Notes

Come join the fun dealings of our electric company!

 Just a short run down of what thousands of other people in our community are experiencing. 

Remember to vote for me daily to win the Ultimate Explorer contest, linked below and on all the socials. Round 2 ends in 2 days, double credit for purchased votes but you get one freebie per day. (Funds raised go to the National Park Foundation, so it's a great cause as well!)


Have a great day! Enjoy!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:18] Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening. This is the bullet wounds and Stretch Marks podcast. I am your host, Ivy. [00:00:26] So here's the situation. First of all, I've been saying so a lot. You're gonna hear it. I'm sorry. I usually try to make sure that when I'm talking to people, I don't say the same word over and over again. But here we are. My brain is scattered. And you're about to hear all of the reasons why. Because that's what this podcast is about. Today. Today we are going to first discuss the contest, the ultimate explorer contest that I'm currently sitting 6th place in round two. And they will be removing the top 15. So let's try to get me up there, guys. You can vote for free once a day, and if you set an alarm, it's better. I had to set myself an alarm. So don't think that I'm condescending anyone. Nine times out of ten, my very simple method advice is taken as condescension. No, I'm not condescending you. It's just this is what I do to help myself and use it. Please set yourself an alarm that says, you know, hey, vote for that stupid girl because she really just. She needs to win something. I say, girl, I'm almost 40 years old. I'm a grown ass woman. Vote for that lady. [00:01:32] She's nice and she deserves it, I promise. It's not like, you know, extravagant. It's $10,000, which we'll pay for our trip to go see my husband retire from. From the Navy. And it'll be awesome because we'll get a round, round the nation trip to a bunch of national parks provided by the national park support and all that other stuff. If you buy votes right now, you can buy votes for two times the amount, which means you pay $10. You get ten votes, but then you get 20 votes, which is awesome. And I would be moved up and I would really appreciate that. And then I'll do another podcast next week if I'm still in the round. Look at that. [00:02:14] You're like, well, I'm definitely. Can we un vote for you? [00:02:17] No, you may not vote for me out of spite. Send me around. Send me on a road trip with my husband and my child in a car with two pug dogs that just do not want to travel. [00:02:30] I love my dogs. Anyway, today we are talking about Rochester Gas and Electric. Now, Rochester Gas and Electric is a subsidiary of some Avangrid company, which is company out of Spain. So this is not even an american company. So go ahead and strap yourselves in for being angry at that already. [00:02:49] So this non american company has partnered with our government. And, you know, they say they haven't. They say that they're, the government is there to ensure that they stay, you know, in honest business practices with the monopoly that they need. Really? Because you can't really set up an electric company or an electric grid without considering the fact that you're going to have to, you know, have one company run a monopoly on that. And how they kind of try to get away from the whole, like, oh, no, it's, you know, you have options. You don't have options. You have people who can service your bill, but our g and E is still the one producing and generating and providing the electricity to your house. And if they're changing the prices on these things, changing your service is bill is, you're just changing. The person that gives you the news is what you're doing, and you're adding another, another variable for them to say, well, it's because of this company that, you know, this stuff's getting messed up. It's not us. Remember, you chose to have options. Yeah, okay, these weren't options. Stop it. I've been working. Here's the thing, y'all. I've been. The government has been my daddy since I was 13. I was in foster care. I've been in the military. I've worked with the state on all kinds of social programs. Because that's a. Where I thrive is helping people to kind of move themselves up, because that's what I've done. And I know it's possible, and I know how you feel after you do it. So, you know, I'm trying to not be my blatant, blunt self, but also be helpful. It's very difficult. It's a juggle. I'm 40, and I'm still working on it. So if you feel like you're never gonna get it right, you're not. Just keep trying, though, and you'll be okay with it. Cause you'll improve every day. [00:04:26] Rg and E, back to the subject matter of the day. [00:04:31] Last year, in September, RG and E put a smart meter on my home. Against my wishes, against my permission. Yada, yada. I'm like, whatever. [00:04:39] I just moved. Husband's in Japan. I ain't got time. Y'all know where I'm coming from. So there is the sew again we go. And I don't really say anything. When they put it on, I was like, whatever. I guess I just have to deal with this. That was the smooth bend over is what that was. So they smoothly bent me over, and then my bill tripled. Now, not only did my bill triple, ladies and gentlemen, but when my bill tripled, it was the month after I had had two air conditioners, a dehumidifier, and, you know, it was summertime, so you got doors opening and closing. My son does not understand ac boundaries. It is very frustrating. I feel like a big, big man when I'm talking about temperatures and keeping thermodynamics appropriate in our home, but here we are, and that kid ain't getting it. So. [00:05:32] So it's very odd to me. And we have gas heat. So when the heat came on, how come the bill went up? Because the gas. The gas bill did not. The gas is gas cheap. Gas is very cheap, like, in comparison to electric right now. So, damn it. Trying, guys. I'll work on it. I'm gonna smack myself. You'll hear me. I'll be like, ah. So, ah, okay. [00:05:55] Furthermore, we went to. And I. And I call him. I said, hey, guys, why has my bill gone up? And lady on the phone said, well, because you're using electricity, ma'am, and that's how this works. I was like, that's cute. No, that's not how this works. I've been paying my bills since I was 17, ma'am. This is not how this works. [00:06:14] I pay my bills, pay my extravagant bills. The first one was, like, 300. The next one was, like, 400 something, which is insane for the small place that we live. And we live in a more rural community, so it's not like we're used to that. No, but we're getting charged the same prices as, you know, a city, which actually, that should be backwards. Rural communities should be more expensive than cities. But, you know, anyway, we went ahead and had them come out and check our house and check all the. All the outlets and all the meters. No, no, you're fine. And I had them remove that electric meter, and they said, well, ma'am, it's not the smart meter. And I said, well, I guess we'll just find out after we get a bill, won't we? So they come out, they put a new meter on the thing. Looks exactly the same as the damn smart meter. So here I am at a loss. I was like, this is just a smart meter. He's like, no, the features turned off. I was like, neat. I doubt they can turn that on remotely, right? He just stared at me. But December rolls around. I don't get another bill. But I do get a notification that on, like, January 12, I'm going to get a withdrawal for a bill that is $999. And I was like, this is outrageous what is happening? We see what I had done when I called. After I received those bills, they had realized that my bill was bad, and so then they recalculated it. But when they recalculated it, they used the extra amount and they just tacked that onto the new usage. So not only was I getting a bill, but I was getting a double bill from the previous two bills, if that makes any sense to you guys. And the first week of January rolls around, all of a sudden I get $1,400 taken out of my bank account. [00:08:02] No notification from bill pay. And those of you, my friends, who actually read the terms and conditions, you know that when you sign up for automatic bill pay, there's terms and conditions. And it says, we're not going to take money out of your account unless we notify you because that's the agreement. We have access to your bank account, which is, you know, that's kind of a dangerous thing when you think about it. Your electric company can just be like, oh, here's all this money I'm going to take. It turns out they don't have to notify you if they take money out because I got all that taken out. And when I called to complain, this neck bearded. [00:08:36] Now, I am a very pleasant person to customer service because, but by the grace of God, there go I big. I've done it. I've worked in a call center. You know, it's not a fun job. I've worked in customer service. It's not a fun job. People, especially when you work in a utility, I cannot imagine that any of them get very many calls that are pleasant, because this is a resource, this is a need. We've created it to be a need. It's a necessity to live the more comfortable lives that we live as human beings. We created electricity. Now, this man decided to tell me, well, that's just how Bill pay works. And I said, sir, I was there when Bill pay was born. That is not how bill pay works. They have to tell you a notification, either in your email or text message somehow that they are going to remove money from your account, that you should be prepared to see that deduction or that that withdrawal. And he gets very flustered because no one had ever spoken reason to him, apparently. And I said, how about this? How about you just put me through to someone above you because I've been having issues with this since September, and they're gonna have to kind of go through the whole thing. The whole account, I think so. He does that. And the lady on the phone, oh, she was so nice, ladies and gentlemen. She was so sweet. She told me she cared about me. She told me that this was not fair, that they were going to fix it as soon as possible and that I should be expecting a refund in the form of a credit or adjustment to my account or a check. And I said, I prefer a check because my son's birthday is the end of January and I don't know if any of you know, Christmas is in the end of September. And at the time, my husband had to fly in from Japan so he could be there for my son's birthday. And, you know, all that shit costs money. All of these things, as I say them. There should be like a cash register behind me going kaching, kaching, kaching. Because that's what, that's what you hear when you're, when you're working on a fixed income like we are. But we created this situation and it's not the worst. And so we're not going to be that upset about it. We're just going to frustratingly demand, and very nicely demand that we get our money back. And that's how I talk to this customer service people. The tone that you're hearing right now is a little more sarcastic. You're getting my real feels about it. But trust me, when I'm on the phone, I'm ok. I'm grown up. I know how to play grown up. I know how to pop tall and wrap it up. Trust me. My chief taught me. So, damn it, I can't slap myself. Ok, I'm going to stop doing that eventually or I'm just going to have bruises all over my face. [00:11:14] Don't you wish this was a video podcast? You're seeing me smack my face because I keep saying so. I know if it annoys me, it's gonna annoy somebody else. Do you think I got a refund, ladies and gentlemen, I did not. Let's just go ahead and. No, no, no. Not only did I not get a refund, I got a $667 bill. [00:11:33] I think it was the next month. And then the month after that, I think was close to 400. And then I got a dollar twelve bill. Now, mind you, at this time I'm calling them and being like, what's going on, guys? Where's my money? You took $1400 from me and you actually probably owe me more than that because of the debacles last year. But at this point in time, the amount that they owed me was under 2000 that they were saying. I figured they owed me a little closer to three grand. [00:12:02] I ended up being right. When you do the math, you see, I'm not just right because I say I'm right or because I just looked at my bill and it just didn't look right. No, I did math. And when I get made to do math, I get very mad. I don't like math. Don't make me math. I can do it. I'm good at it. It's not that I'm. [00:12:22] I can't say that word. It's not like I'm slow and I'm, you know, just. I struggle with it, and it angers me. No, I just. I don't like being forced to do it. I don't like having to do your job for you. I think that's the main thing. And I think nobody likes to do somebody else's job for them. And I think that's the big problem. I think that's why people are feeling lonely is because most of the people who feel lonely are people who tend to actually attend to their environment and others, and there's no attending. There's no doing. [00:12:54] There's none of that. So I call the public. So I call the public utility commission, and they say, oh, you need to let them resolve this issue. You need to give them time to give you a resolution. I was like, what? How much time are we talking here? Because this has been months already, ma'am, and we can't afford this now, mind you. Maybe it's my fault. Okay, cool. I'm in charge of our finances, and I keep us barely afloat because I feel like that's the only place that we've ever been able to be. Maybe I make mistakes. Maybe I'm not investing properly. But we're not boat broke. We're not desperate. We just. We're not really worth much. Cause we don't have a whole lot of investments. We don't. We don't have a whole lot of money, you know, and. [00:13:39] And three grand out of our paycheck, or that's a whole paycheck. Like, three grand is about a paycheck for my husband. So when you're living that way, when you're living paycheck to paycheck ish, it's really ish. It's. It's bad. So I'm trying to maintain my cool. I'm trying not to, like, lose my mind and be like, how do I do this? Just as an adulthood, parent, mother, wife of someone who I don't want him to worry, you know, that we can't function as a family, and that we don't have the stability that we're going to need because he's about to not be in the military anymore. So this is all happening at a very inopportune time. Please don't take my money, as my husband is currently job searching. Please don't do that. A couple weeks go by, we're still having the issue. Yet another I'm watching them in the account hide my money. This was when I realized the problem. After they made me do the math. You made me figure out your problem. I figured it out. Rg and e, here's your problem. It's in your software, and it's either on purpose, so that you can never have to return overcharged bill amounts. Or whoever is supposed to be addressing that is not doing their job, or they are doing their job, but they're only doing it for RG and etainhouse, which is what it really feels like when you're dealing with any of these people. So I start my case. Our g and e calls me, they give me a single person. His name is Michael something, and he's going to handle this, and we're going to get it all figured out. He sounded very much like that other lady, and he said, ma'am, I'm going to address the issues of the customer service people that you've been dealing with. Sir, there is not a single problem with your customer service people. The script is tight. Every single one of them says the same thing, does the same thing, and offers the same very empty lip service, and never really has a direct answer to any of the issues that I've brought to them, but every single one of them, in his agreement that your company owes me money, and I do have that on recording. So feel free to check my math and check the situation. I need my money back, because at this point in time, it had been $2,863, I think is what they owe us. It's very close to three grand. So, like, when I saw that $13,000 bill for someone else and a $9,000 bill for someone else, it seems to me that if you have this problem en masse, there's going to be a solution. There's going to be a root of this problem. And the root of the problem is in their software. It's either their software or their personnel not checking and making sure that those accounts actually get balanced. You see, they tried to balance my account out in May. They made two ghost ghost statements that I didn't receive in paper and didn't pay to in order to do weird math, to zero out my account so that every month after that, I was only being charged for the usage that I use that month, instead of them taking all of this excess usage that they had been charging me for over these months and then reapplying it to the new usage. And I've explained this to them, ladies and gentlemen. I have explained this to every single person I have talked to at their company over the last eight months. I spent 45 hours on the phone with customer service. I just can't. [00:17:04] I'm the type of person that if I can't get something done on the phone, I'm going to go down to an office. And the problem with that is that due to the fact that I am in the life situation that I'm in, I don't want to do that. [00:17:17] I'm not going to be an adult face to face at this point. I'm so mad because my government office doesn't protect me from the monopoly company that isn't even an american company has all of this monopoly and power over its citizenry. And they've been fined for this. They got fined $900,000 in 2001 or 2002, I believe, or 2021, 2022. And then what? Last year they received $9 billion from the federal government for infrastructure. Oh, and it's the same infrastructure that they used as an excuse to do a rate hike at the beginning of this year and the end of last year. So they've not just hiked up twice in this area, but they've also ensured that all these smart meters are getting installed before they actually have a reputation of being reliable, because they don't. They're not reliable for the customer. They are 100% reliable for the company. And that's a problem, ladies and gentlemen, because this is perpetual. Now, I don't want to believe that this is happening in every state, but again, the government's my daddy. And like everybody, I feel sometimes like I'm that kid that has that dad that just keeps getting married to other people and having kids. And then he treats those kids just a little bit better than me. But he eventually returns to who he is for them as soon as he has another kid. It's like every gen, you know, it's like, no, we're not gonna, we're not actually going to take care of the american people. As a government, we're going to take care of ourselves. And that doesn't go well for y'all. Just so you know, people will eventually get tired of this. Now, our plan as a family, we needed to have some sanity over this situation because they tried twice now to settle our case with the public utility commission. The first time they tried to settle the case, they said, we're sorry that you seem to have some issues with our company. We're going to give you a quarter of what we owe you. Or it was, the way it was worded was kind of like, well, you may think we owe you three granddaugh, but we're just going to give you $750. It's like, no, you're not. You're going to give me my money back because I paid you that money. I have proof of it. And so, oh, they also sent me the most atrocious Excel spreadsheet I've ever seen in my life, which really does explain the idiocy that's going on in this company because they can't even put in a formula on a spreadsheet correctly and yet they want to run their company on computers. So you have no computer science literacy, but you want everything to be run by a, or by computers and networks. And so I think they're trying to like push AI, do all of this stuff so they don't have to hire customer service representatives and people to, you know, actually operate the grid and the network and, you know, cut down jobs, increase profits because they are a company. But they should not be running as a company in that way because they are a public utility and I do believe we should have protections. They were on the books last time I checked the law, but I haven't looked recently because I'm mad and I don't want to be right. I don't want to be right that we've somehow in the past 50 years decided to take every protection that the government had created for the people and went, well, we don't need that. [00:20:41] These companies are people, right? Oh, y'all, I'm not the only one. There's a Facebook page, this is why we're talking about this, this week. There's a Facebook page that has, it's only been up for a week and a half, maybe two weeks, and it already has close to 3000 members or 2000 members on it, which is pretty, you know, that's pretty big for this area in a Facebook page just randomly popping up about this topic, which, you know, is probably some, probably someone at the power company going, let's just check in on what they all know. That's what I do. Like, well, I'll tell you what I know, because my answer to their atrocious spreadsheet was a spreadsheet of my own, which didn't have the superfluous information that they had put into it to clearly try to confuse me, which is just insulting. So I had to do math again, ladies and gentlemen. So was I mad? I was so mad. Super mad. Get done with it. Send it off to him with a word document explaining the spreadsheet and what it means. It means that y'all have been playing some cup game with my money, and I would like it returned to me. And I know that you're not just doing this to me, so I was willing to give them time. I was willing to give them time to resolve the issue because I understand that kind of accounting takes a little bit of time. You want to make sure it's right. I want you to make sure it's right. But almost a year. No, we're not doing that. So at the year mark, my husband and I have decided that we are most certainly going to be taking them to small claims court unless by the grace of God, some lawyer gets the cojones to go, I want to sue a fucking electric company, and they take up a class action lawsuit for the people who are customers of this company. But I've talked to lawyers, haven't I, ladies and gentlemen? I have. I've talked to lawyers, talked to Navy legal, talk to flee and family services. Nothing. Talk to military, one source, nothing. I mean, if you want a divorce, how supportive. [00:22:36] Just saying, it's ridiculous. We talked to my husband's command to see if he could, you know, have his command write a letter. Like, shaming them and being like, hey, could you not? We got a chief out here who is sitting there going, holy shit, I just got a whole paycheck taken away from. From me and my family, and I'm on the other side of the world. Not that my wife can't handle it, but it, you know, the guys out there can agree. Even though you know that your wife can handle shit, you want to be there for them because that's your job as a husband. Just like it's her job as a wife to be there for you when shit goes wrong. It's just. That's just the basics, you know? Oh, when he came home, he came home for a month. We've. We. We needed because of this. And then, you know, we have a seven year old. So if you've ever met a seven year old, there's a reason. We don't know anything about Jesus between the ages of seven and twelve. And I will stand proud on that. They're just little demons. There's also another reason, and if you didn't know this, the APA used to. Used to mandate that the standard of care was that you don't diagnose a child with anything until after they're eight years old. Not interesting, ladies and gentlemen. That's a rant for another day, ain't it? Right now we're on the electric company. What else have we done? So we had the. Oh, not only, ladies and gentlemen, did they try to do that settlement, but they did another one. [00:23:55] The next one was the one with all of the horrible, horribly, horribly set up excel sheet that had. It was missing date, it was missing payments that we had made that are on their website. Like, they have receipt, we have receipts for our payments, and I have no deposits, no actual adjustments to my account. And I keep trying to explain that to them. Like, yeah, I see where you put it in the adjustment block, but I see where you also put it in the new usage block. Stop doing that and you'll be giving me my money back. But you want to pretend like that money doesn't exist. It does. I paid it to you. Give it back. So how many? How many sos is that, people? I think at this point in time, you should just do a drinking game. And every time Rachel or Ivy has to hit herself, just smack. [00:24:42] The second time my husband was home, we get the letter. We're sitting there just looking at each other like, this is insane. Not only was it exactly the same, it was, hey, we don't owe you that money, but, you know, since you're mad at us, we'll be kind enough to toss $750 your way. The way it was worded was very much like, oh, yeah, we do owe you the money, but we're not going to pay. [00:25:06] I was like, no, that's not happening. And then there was another piece to the second offer, and it was, you're going to shut your mouth about this and not talk to anybody. It was NDA. And that NDA also said that we were to call this a account issue, not a billing issue. I wonder why is that a metric? Probably is. [00:25:26] And the sad thing is, is that 99% of people will fall for these lip service attempts in these systems that are put there just to slow you down, just to keep you busy so that you can't actually gain any traction on resolving your issue. And it's just insane. And they're not doing it just to me. They're doing it to at least 2000 other people in the area. The only reason that I was able to have them start really recalculating my account, by the way, is because I had a technician come out to my house to check my, um, meter. And he looked at me with a very terrified look on his face and he's like, so, uh, your meter. Your meter is really, really wrong. And I don't know if I'm supposed to tell you that. And I was like, well, first of all, thank you. Because even if you're not supposed to tell me that, you're being a good person. And he's like, yeah, I've been working for them for 20 years and. And I know that, that this is bad because it's not just your house, it's a bunch of houses in this area. Because whoever was the company or contractor that installed all these installed them wrong. Which I had pointed out all the way back whenever I had them take it off, I said, because you added 1000 kilowatt hours to my meter as soon as you put it on. And they're like, what? I was like, yeah, it's right here. It's on the statement. They were like, oh, well, that was just an adjustment for the actual reading. And I was like, I don't believe that. I do not believe that. Based on what? You did not do any calculations on my account. No. When you replaced the meter, it should have read the exact same as the other. Right? Right. But no. Or, you know, zero. So that's where we are. Literally the only thing that can be done for these thousands of citizens in this state alone is we can. [00:27:11] People have done protests in Monroe county. I've seen that. If you google your electric company in the news, let me tell you. Oh, and that's another thing that we did. I had a whole camera interview, whole on camera interview with this lady from Channel Ten from the local news here. Never aired. It never aired. A few months later, a business person in a close town by here got charged $9,000. She got. She got her hers on the news, which I was like, okay, military family getting screwed by the government and the electric company probably not good put out during an election year, right? [00:27:47] This is why I hate election years. We're either used for, you know, our existence as veterans or we are ignored because, no, we can't talk about your problems this year. It's either or depends on, I don't know, something. [00:28:05] Oh, my goodness. So, yeah, that's what we're doing. That is our podcast for the day, the debacle of RG and E and how they have just been steamrolling us and being aided and abetted by the public utility commission. So my husband and I are on the phone after, you know, they had sent us that. We were like, I don't know who the fuck y'all think you are, but no. And my husband and I were told, well, we've moved your case back to the analytical department. I was like, well, I would like to know what kind of analysis your analytical department is doing, because right now you're talking to two trained military analysts, and I've never been contacted. None of my information has ever been questioned from me. The situation, usually, you gain information from the entire problem, and they're not doing that. And they're not even checking the math that RG and E is sending them. If they're analyzing anything that RG and E is sending them, they would have realized, just looking at that excel sheet, that it's full. Full of mistakes and full of errors. But no, we just take what our g and e tells us. And then the second one, they said, oh, and by the way, if you don't take this offering we're giving you, we might not offer you anything else. I'm like, I don't want you to offer me. I want you to pay me back because you have my money. And at this point, I do not want credit to my account. I want my money back. You shouldn't. This shouldn't be a problem. This is pretty standard business, you know, interaction. Sometimes you overcharge people. Oops, my bad. Here's your money back. Why does it need to be this complicated? It doesn't make sense. I think it needs to be this complicated because they've done it to so many people that if they paid them all, they'd probably go bankrupt. That's just my theory. Or they just keep doing it to everyone. And the ones that complain, they just kind of throw into this purgatory of customer service and Public Utility Commission. Ladies and gentlemen, I have written to the department of Energy. [00:29:56] Like, I have done my due diligence in trying to figure out an avenue to resolve this open problem that I have, because I'm not the type of person that likes an open problem, especially when it affects my finances. [00:30:11] I don't think I'm alone in this. You know, this is a very, very understandable situation that these people are just aiding and abetting each other and doing. It's so gross. So gross. Nasty. Nasty. All right, let's see. How long have we been talking? [00:30:28] 30 minutes. That's not bad. Short podcast. I don't need to talk forever, do I? Hope you enjoyed it. It's been real fun. Oh, and by the way, if you ever have the pleasure of spending over 40 hours on hold with at least the RG and e electric company, you can check yours if you'd like. Trust me, you'll be put on hold as soon as you call. They don't give you music here. They just give you recordings of a very nice lady telling you all of the ways that you can pay RG and E. And then if you go back, fall back on your bill, there's billing programs that will help you. It is gross. [00:31:03] So nasty. At least the VA gives you music. I don't. I don't understand. I didn't think that anyone, any, any entity could impact me in such a negative and frustrating psyop manner as the VA has until I met the election company. Isn't that insane? But one last note. I find it very interesting that we just gotta have all the new shit because the old shit didn't read in the favor of the company. Usually the readings were too low. That's. You can look that up. It's been researched. That's why they justified the reason they need to change everyone's. But it also gives them access and control over your receipt of electricity. It's the same, I think it's the same thing as the towers. I think that there's ways that they can meter that. That's just my little conspiracy mind flowing, but there it is. [00:31:55] So the best thing that people can do is actually go in person to these places. If you are being, you know, preyed upon, like we are, like so many other people are, by your utility company, do the things they tell you to do. Pay your bill, go to the public utility commission, even though it's not going to work. Trust me. Government was my baby or was my daddy, right? [00:32:19] Bad daddy. You still have to play by the game if you want to get the scraps, if you want to have any resolution, you still have to do the things that they tell you. But then you can go further and you can actually go face to face in person, down to their offices and demand somebody explain it to you, somebody explain it to you in a better way so you understand either what's holding it up or why they can justify it. Again, the reason I haven't done that is because right now I know what my stress level is and I know that I'm not going to be able to control myself in that environment. I'll lose mind. I'll probably cry. And I don't like ugly crying in public. I do that in the privacy of my own home, just like everybody else should. We're adults, but that's what we're doing. We are hanging in there trying to do that. And that's another reason why that $10,000 would be really great right now. Because to pay for what we need to pay for, to make sure that we have that experience as a family and I get to watch my own shipmate slash husband slash soul mate retire on DDG 69. Are you kidding me? I'm not going to give up that opportunity. If you've met me, you know how excited I am about this simple, disgusting joke. I love it. It's my favorite. I love it. I want to see it. I want to be there. I want to experience it. So help me out. Go back, click on my Facebook page, go to ultimate and find me. It's under Rachel Batazzo because that's my married name. Ivy was my name in the Navy. That's why it's my name in the podcast, because this is a veteran podcast and everything is explained. [00:33:50] I hope you have a wonderful day. Don't let him get you down, man. That's all you got to do. Don't let him get you down. There's always something to be done. [00:33:58] Bye.

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